Tuesday, April 16, 2013

No worry, Coconut curry

Last night I took a nap and then went for a run instead of cook dinner! Oh, it's just dinner. Who needs it. Luckily, Scott was on his way out to my school after traffic settled down, and he said he would cook. This is actually the norm- only in the past year have I started cooking, and usually it is Scott's job.

We decided to go all out and pick the meal with the MVP: Maximum Veggie Potential.
In this case, that's a Thai curry!
So we started cooking. Scott had stopped at the store to pick up a whole grain naan, brown rice, and cauliflower.

We almost added chicken and sweet potatoes, but sometimes you have to say 8 veggies in a curry is enough.

(The avocados in the picture were for Scott's lunch.)

He cut up a head of garlic- something I am not good at doing in under an hour- and began steaming all of the veggies.

When we make a curry, we use "lite" coconut milk and steam the vegetables, because otherwise it would be too much fat for one meal. Curries can be really salty as well as high in fat content, so we always try to be mindful of this when we decide to make one.

He did cook the minced garlic in olive oil because he is Italian and would die if he cooked garlic in anything else.

Here we go:

-Head of broccoli

-Half a head of cauliflower

-Orange bell pepper

-Yellow bell pepper

-Red bell pepper


-Yellow squash


After cooking the vegetables, he added the coconut milk and more water. We stirred in some coconut curry powder that I picked up in bulk at Central Market, and some turmeric. I have a big thing for turmeric, but it was Scott's first time tasting it directly and using it in his cooking. We cooked up some naan in my toaster oven, and added brown rice to the curry to dilute the spiciness & get our complex carbs in. It was a lot of work to cut up this many vegetables, but we have leftovers for days now!

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